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Standard 2: Literacy and Reading

Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and interests of all readers.  The four elements of this standard include: (2.1) literature, (2.2) reading promotion, (2.3) respect for diversity, and (2.4) literacy strategies.

Literacy and Reading

Book Trailer Snowmen at Night (below)

Book trailers and poetry slams are excellent ways to get students interested in reading for enjoyment, in creating their own book trailers, and even in performing.  My goal is to promote reading for enjoyment at all grade levels.   Students are inspired by events like author visits and I will strive to bring authors to our school each year.  My reading promotion plan “Forest of Literacy” showcases my ability to center the entire school around a common effort of reading.  I believe collaborative activities, such as my folklore lesson reinforce classroom reading instruction and allow me to support curriculum-based literature.  All of the items included demonstrate that teaching multiple literacies is important to me.  

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